Welcome to JTAN Sozo Space, where your journey to healing and growth starts.

Whether you need counselling, life coaching, or a safe space to talk, we are here to support you in finding healing, empowerment and purpose in life.

We’re here to help you thrive

Jeff brings 20 years of experience as a financial coach to the table, and he's also a certified John Maxwell life coach and a registered counsellor with the Australian Community Counselling Association. He truly enjoys helping individuals, couples, and families find meaning and live a life full of purpose.

Jeff uses proven methods and views issues through the lens of attachment theory to address complex problems that can hinder personal growth and relationship goals.

What Is Your Mental Fitness like?

Just like physical health requires training and maintenance, mental health requires self-awareness, training, and gaining new tools. Improve your mental real estate and emotional resilience. Come for our workshops, group therapies, and individual coaching or counselling. Everyone needs some help to grow.

“I want to help people rediscover joy after they've faced tough times and setbacks. My goal is to guide them in finding their purpose and moving towards their value-based goals” - Jeffrey Tan

Choose your starting point


We offer individual, couples, family or group psychoeducation counselling.


We offer a range of coaching support for individuals facing workplace, leadership, or financial stewardship challenges.

Hear what they say about Jeff !

  • Jeff runs full-day workshops at Teen Challenge for students recovering from substance abuse. His first workshop, "Turning Setbacks to Success", helped students rebuild self-confidence and self-esteem by teaching them how to turn their setbacks into stepping stones. The second workshop, "Re-entry program", helped students identify their strengths and purpose, and develop roadmaps for future success. Jeff is both an entertaining and knowledgeable workshop leader, and the feedback from the students was positive. Despite being extra-curricular, the students looked forward to Jeff's return visits. He is a passionate individual who takes on challenges and is vibrant in his pursuits

    — Vicki Adcock

  • Our marriage counselling with Jeffrey has been enlightening and he provided us with practical guidance and teaching based on Christian values. He is approachable and a good listener, he provides constructive feedback and advice. It is a safe place where we can share our worries and issues we face as a couple. It has helped us to learn more about each other and strengthened our relationship. The course has made us feel more confident stepping into marriage. We are very thankful for the time, sharing and experience we had throughout the sessions.

    -Andy and Jabby

  • After suddenly losing my husband, I was referred to Jeff to help me with my finances. He quickly began guiding me in a positive direction. Jeff attentively listened to my hopes and plans, while also giving me time to work out what my future might look like and how to best organize my finances. He provided excellent advice, incorporating my plans for mission work and viewing them from a Christian perspective.


  • The time I spent with Jeff was both reassuring and encouraging. We would often catch up over a coffee and discuss any worries or issues that I was struggling with. I found that sharing my experiences with an older person and allowing them to speak into my life in a judgement free and non-confrontational manner was exactly what I needed to work through my issues. I especially enjoyed listening to Jeff’s many stories about his own life which was inspiring and always had a lesson to be learnt from them. Jeff is a great listener with plenty of sound advice to offer, speaking from a young adults perspective he understands our struggles and provides guidance in a relaxed but sure way. I have always felt comfortable in his presence and look forward to our conversations.


  • I truly recommend Jeff to anyone for financial coaching. We always found him to be very professional, informative and helpful.

    -Sharon and Chris

  • Many of my students found the YouthMax Leadership sessions to be really insightful, inspiring and helpful for them as they transverse the difficult years of adolescence. As a teacher and parent I found the sessions to be informative and inspiring.

    -Joel Munro

  • I asked Jeffrey to assist me in purchasing a house under my name. He was professional, honest, and generous with his time, dedicated to ensuring that I made informed financial decisions. He went above and beyond to empower me and prioritize my best interests. I highly recommend Jeff to anyone who wants to become more equipped and empowered in managing and stewarding their finances.


  • Finding a good counsellor can be a beacon of hope. Jeffrey Tan has transformed my life through his supportive and attentive approach. He intuitively identifies key issues and provides invaluable insights and strategies for personal growth. He has helped me overcome personal barriers that were straining my relationship with my partner and navigate my faith as a Christian. I highly recommend Jeffrey Tan as a counsellor for his professionalism, understanding, empathy, patience, and unwavering commitment to his clients' well-being and development.

    - Phillip

Let’s rewrite your story Here!

We’ll be with you every step of the way.